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LAND CRUISER的傳說翻開新篇章:“LC250”系列全球首發(fā)!回歸初心見精髓


? LAND CRUISER的歷史即豐田的歷史
? 開辟道路的汽車
? 何為L(zhǎng)AND CRUISER的價(jià)值
? “傳說”與未來相連
? 回歸初心方可見“靈魂”
? 從零重新設(shè)計(jì)
? 移動(dòng)是生存下去的生命線

8月2日,全新LAND CRUISER“250”系列在東京進(jìn)行全球首發(fā)。


在會(huì)場(chǎng)上,您能看到歷代“LAND CRUISER”。自1951年第一代LAND CRUISER車型“BJ”系列問世以來,“LAND CRUISER”已走過約170個(gè)國(guó)家地區(qū),開拓出了一條自己的道路。

此外,LAND CRUISER“70”系列也會(huì)作為持續(xù)銷售車型在日本重新推出?!?0”系列于2004年停產(chǎn),豐田曾在2014年推出其30周年限量版車型。而這一次“重生”后,它的油耗和靜謐性得到了進(jìn)一步改善。

西蒙·漢弗萊斯設(shè)計(jì)部總監(jiān)兼首席品牌官上臺(tái)介紹了LAND CRUISER的歷史,以及研發(fā)新車型的想法。豐田章男會(huì)長(zhǎng)賦予LAND CRUISER的使命是“回歸初心”,那么從這點(diǎn)出發(fā)來看,LAND CRUISER的“靈魂”是什么?


The history of Land Cruiser, is a history of Toyota itself.
LAND CRUISER的歷史即豐田的歷史。

Let me take you back exactly 72 years, when the Land Cruiser legend was born.
LAND CRUISER的傳說始于72年前。

It was the time of Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of Toyota Motor Corporation. The company was only 14 years old, a disruptive “start-up” in the automotive world.

Corolla and Crown, were still to come, and Toyota was hardly known outside Japan.

Fast forward to today, and Land Cruiser is sold in 170 countries and regions around the world...
但是如今,LAND CRUISER在170個(gè)國(guó)家地區(qū)銷售。

Literally, Land Cruiser put Toyota on the map.
正是LAND CRUISER在全世界打響了豐田的名號(hào)。


Lifelong bonds are often formed in the most demanding of circumstances, and our customers have experienced the extremes of life alongside their Land Cruisers...
許多人與他們的LAND CRUISER一起,在極端惡劣的環(huán)境中生存了下來,而終生的羈絆往往會(huì)在這樣共通經(jīng)歷艱難困苦后更加牢固。

From prairies to deserts, from the North to the South poles, it is safe to say, Land Cruiser has seen more sides of life than any other automobile in history.
從荒野草地到無邊沙漠,甚至從北極到南極,比起歷史上其他車輛,LAND CRUISER見證的人生種類更加豐富。

Mud, ice, sand, salt…Across the planet there are many perilous roads...

At Toyota, we like to say “the road makes the car”. With Land Cruiser,?“the car makes the road”.
豐田有種說法叫“道路鍛煉車”,不過到LAND CRUISER這里,則是“車開辟道路”。

These roads connect communities and enable irreplaceable ways of life.
-In rural Africa, a doctor rushes to a patient through floodwaters.
-In the Australian outback, an elderly woman takes a two-day roundtrip to the nearest town.
-In Antarctica, an observation team works in a minus 45-degree blizzard...
...Indeed, one of the first cars to conquer Antarctica was a Land Cruiser 40 Series.
是的,LAND CRUISER開辟了道路,而道路又維持了各地的寶貴生計(jì)
事實(shí)上,第一輛在南極的極端條件下行駛的四輪車也是LAND CRUISER的40系列。

Moving to one of the hottest places on earth...the first exports of Land Cruiser were to the Middle East in the mid-1950's.
另外,LAND CRUISER的身影也活躍在地球上最炎熱的地方。LAND CRUISER最早出口到的是中東地區(qū),時(shí)間在20世紀(jì)50年代中期。

Thanks to Saudi Arabian car distributor Abdul Jameel, local folklore now says“Only a Land Cruiser, or a camel, can get you over these dunes”.
在沙特阿拉伯商人阿卜杜勒?賈米爾的努力下,當(dāng)?shù)卮迕穸挤Q贊說“只有LAND CRUISER或駱駝才能穿過這些沙丘”。

何為L(zhǎng)AND CRUISER的價(jià)值

But it was here in Japan, in an area only accessible on horseback, that the story began.
LAND CRUISER的故事,始于日本某個(gè)只有靠騎馬才能到達(dá)的地方。

In 1951, on the steep volcanic slopes of Mt. Fuji. development of the first-generation Land Cruiser, the Toyota BJ, started at the request of the Japan National Police Reserve.
那是在1951年,富士山險(xiǎn)峻的斜面陡峭又嚴(yán)峻,巖石表面露出。在警察預(yù)備隊(duì)的強(qiáng)烈請(qǐng)求下,豐田開始了初代LAND CRUISER“Toyota BJ”的研發(fā)。

This sounds like the perfect story, but in reality, it didn't get the job. But like any good recruit, it set out to prove itself.
但最終,該項(xiàng)目在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中落敗,未被采用。但是,LAND CRUISER及其負(fù)責(zé)工程師們?yōu)榱俗C明自己的能力,面對(duì)挫折像彈簧一般,迎難而上。

and became the first ever vehicle to reach the 6th station of Mt. Fuji, an altitude of 2,700 m. This resilience paid off: it got its first commission as a police patrol car, and its goal in life became clear, to protect livelihoods.

You see before you many examples of Land Cruisers throughout the years. What unites them is simple: their ultimate mission is to take you wherever you need to go, and always bring you back.
此刻,在此處,跨越時(shí)代的長(zhǎng)河,匯聚了數(shù)輛LAND CRUISER。它們有著相同的使命,那即是——“無論去哪,必將平安歸來”。

If a Land Cruiser breaks down, it is not just a matter of inconvenience... It can become a threat to life itself.
而如果LAND CRUISER突發(fā)故障,帶來的不僅僅是不方便,那會(huì)是威脅人們寶貴生命的危險(xiǎn)境遇。

The value of Land Cruiser comes down to one word...TRUST. The trust to put my life in your hands.
若要用一句話來表達(dá)LAND CRUISER的價(jià)值……那應(yīng)是信賴,能被托付生命的信賴。


The Toyota BJ that laid that foundation of trust, has a direct descendant...the 70 series.
Toyota BJ建立了這樣的信賴基礎(chǔ),而與之血脈相連的直系子孫——“70”系列,隨后登場(chǎng)。

This may be a workhorse, but it has become an icon…The legend itself.

We received many comments from fans on social media, pleading with us not to let it go...“Don't change a thing!”, they said.
社交媒體上有很多粉絲向我們呼吁“LAND CRUISER一定要一直賣下去”。甚至還有人表達(dá)了“不要改變LAND CRUISER的特性”這一愿望。

Well, we listened...and today I am pleased to reveal that we committed to updating the 70 to keep that legend alive.

Seeing this refreshed Land Cruiser 70 next to its ancestors, there is no questioning its loyalty to its roots...It is proud to be raw and utilitarian.

Under the revised bodywork, we made just the updates functionally necessary: a new, more efficient engine and transmission...and advanced safety features.


If the 70 is the essence of Land Cruiser...then the flagship Land Cruiser 300, is the pinnacle.
如果說“70”是“繼承”LAND CRUISER特征……那么作為旗艦系列的LAND CRUISER“300”則可以說是品牌的“象征”。

But today... I want to talk about what lies between those two worlds...Today is all about defining the CORE of Land Cruiser.
接下來,我將講述在這兩者之間,LAND CRUISER最核心的東西,也就是LAND CRUISER的主力“核心車型”。

Land Cruiser has special meaning for our Chairman Akio Toyoda, whose grandfather first introduced the vehicle.
將LAND CRUISER帶到世間的,是章男會(huì)長(zhǎng)的祖父。因此,對(duì)章男會(huì)長(zhǎng)來說,LAND CRUISER是一輛有著特別意義的車。

When it came to developing the new core model, his task to us was simple... deceptively simple... “Genten Kaiki”
在新核心車型的研發(fā)中,章男會(huì)長(zhǎng)給我們的使命很簡(jiǎn)單,即“回歸初心(Genten Kaiki)”。

Taken literally, this means “Back to the Origin”.

He didn't go into detail…it was up to us to work it out.

Our immediate reaction was to look backwards. Do we reinvent the bare-bones 70 Series? Do we go retro? No, that was too obvious...

He was giving us a chance to hit the reset button...A chance to reassess the real meaning and values of Land Cruiser in Toyota's portfolio...And a chance to create a vehicle that distilled those values so they would act as a foothold to the future.
章男會(huì)長(zhǎng)給了研發(fā)陣容選擇重置的機(jī)會(huì)。這是一個(gè)重新審視在豐田產(chǎn)品組合中LAND CRUISER的存在意義和真正價(jià)值的機(jī)會(huì)。這皆是為了讓其價(jià)值明朗化,制造成為邁向未來的立足點(diǎn)的汽車……

We embraced that chance to define the unwavering core beliefs of Land Cruiser... and put them into a form that would transcend trends... a product in which ALL our customers could place their unconditional trust.
LAND CRUISER的信念永不動(dòng)搖。交給我們的,便是明確這一點(diǎn)的寶貴機(jī)會(huì)。最終,我們將之升華為一輛遠(yuǎn)超潮流,讓世界各地的顧客給予無條件信賴的汽車。

When everyone saw our proposal, they were equally unwavering: “Let's do it.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the new SOUL of Land Cruiser.
各位,這就是LAND CRUISER的新“靈魂”……


So what do you think?

As a member of the development team, and a long-term Land Cruiser owner myself, it was a dream come true!
對(duì)于我這個(gè)研發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)的成員,以及長(zhǎng)年駕駛LAND CRUISER的車主來說,這一切簡(jiǎn)直美妙如夢(mèng)。

We re-assessed every past aspect of Land Cruiser for its relevance and redesigned it ground-up to embody Land Cruiser values for the modern day.
這次,我們重新審視了LAND CRUISER以往所有特制信息。為貼合當(dāng)代,更佳的體現(xiàn)出LAND CRUISER這一車型的價(jià)值,我們從1開始,不,應(yīng)該說是從零開始重新進(jìn)行了設(shè)計(jì)。

It's honest. It's lean and agile. It's fit for purpose.

Let me take you through the five key areas that make this model the true soul of Land Cruiser.
接下來,就由我為大家介紹一下“250”系列車型最具LAND CRUISER靈魂的5大亮點(diǎn)吧。

① Capability(堅(jiān)固性)

Number 1... capability. At the heart of this is the GA-F platform. Reliability and durability are built-in, and performance over rough terrain is on par with the flagship Land Cruiser 300.This capability is now more practical and accessible than ever: This is the first Land Cruiser to have Electric Power Steering, rather than hydraulic. This improves ease and comfort on-road, and reduces kickback off-road.

“250”系列具有可以媲美LAND CRUISER“300”系列的“可信賴性”“高耐久性”和“強(qiáng)惡路克服能力”。并且,它還具備超高的實(shí)用性。成為了LAND CRUISER系列車型中首個(gè)采用電子助力轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng)(EPS)的車型。不但提高了汽車在公路上行駛時(shí)的操作性和舒適性,同時(shí)還有效地降低了在越野路段中的方向盤反沖。

② Choice(全新的選項(xiàng))

Number 2... choice. The powertrain lineup reflects diverse regional requirements. For the first time, this includes a hybrid powertrain, in a Land Cruiser. This tried-and-tested technology increases fuel efficiency, as well as performance, with no comprise on durability. It was an extremely difficult task, but has allowed customers, in all corners of the world the chance to participate in the journey toward carbon neutrality.
第2點(diǎn)是增加了“全新的選項(xiàng)”。正因?yàn)長(zhǎng)AND CRUISER的使用者遍布全球,所以為滿足各種各樣的用戶需求,我們有必要提供更多樣化的選項(xiàng)。因此,首款LAND CRUISER混合動(dòng)力車型應(yīng)運(yùn)而生。我們通過反復(fù)的試錯(cuò)測(cè)試,以更加成熟的技術(shù)成功地實(shí)現(xiàn)了在降低油耗的同時(shí)提高車輛性能,并且,沒有以犧牲耐久性作為代價(jià)。直截了當(dāng)?shù)卣f,這是一項(xiàng)非常難的課題,但我們希望能讓所有汽車用戶都可以參與到碳中和事業(yè)中。

③ Intuitive operation(極限情況下的直觀操作)

Number 3... intuitive operation. Vehicle control is fundamental to building trust between driver and machine. We designed the cockpit controls to be easy to identify and operate by feel alone. Here we sought the expertise of Dakar Rally champion Akira Miura, no stranger to driving under pressure in extreme environments. He told us it's crucial that the interfaces support the driver, with maximum accuracy, and minimal effort, whatever the conditions.


That brings me to number 4.

④ Beauty is function(功能美才是終極之美)

Beauty is function. Every aspect of the design is based on the premise that beauty comes from functionality. Proportions are calculated for maneuverability in extreme environments: The sides are kept slim, the overhangs short, the corners carefully sculpted. The low belt line, narrow A pillars and angular structure are designed for visibility and easy, accurate orientation. Customers also reminded us of the importance of damage mitigation and repairability. The high-mounted headlights are designed to rise above debris - and long savanna grass. The segmented front bumper is designed to be easy to repair.
“功能美才是終極之美”。一輛汽車的設(shè)計(jì)美感取決于其功能性。世界上有很多路段只有LAND CRUISER才能行駛,為此,該車型才會(huì)不斷追求駕控性,最終呈現(xiàn)出如今強(qiáng)健的車身體態(tài)。


But the objective approach to design and functionality is not the whole story...Great effort was placed on creating a subjective feeling of trust...For example, the wheel to body offset imparts a feeling of strength and stability, giving the driver confidence in the capability of the vehicle...it has to “l(fā)ook” the part. Everything has a story and a reason...

⑤ Reach ever more people(傳遞給更多的人)

And finally, number 5...The new Land Cruiser will reach even more people...That's right,Land Cruiser is coming back to America!
最后的第5點(diǎn)是,希望能讓更多人擁有新款LAND CRUISER。是的,LAND CRUISER將正式重返美國(guó)市場(chǎng)!


So, we went back to the origin and we came out looking towards the future. This Genten Kaiki journey was a soul-searching exercise in many respects.

As a mobility company, we believe that freedom in motion is a universal right. One to be enjoyed by everyone in the world, wherever they live.

and the Land Cruiser development process reminded us, that in many parts of the world, individual mobility is not a luxury but a lifeline.
并且,通過研發(fā)LAND CRUISER我們又懂得了一個(gè)更重要的道理。那就是行駛在世界各地,移動(dòng)并非奢侈享受,而是為了生存下去的生命線。

Our customers trust in us to keep Land Cruiser relevant and thriving toward the future...
正因?yàn)長(zhǎng)AND CRUISER能夠一直保持其不變的特色,所以才贏得了顧客們的信賴。我們將以此為基礎(chǔ),繼續(xù)面向未來發(fā)展……

This could mean anything from carbon neutral approaches...To ensuring that the Land Cruiser brand is more affordable, and within reach of even more people around the world...

or it may even mean exploring new approaches to mobility, that enhance not only the Land Cruiser experience, but also further people's freedom in motion...
更甚之,也許不僅是LAND CRUISER,我們還能更進(jìn)一步地提高移動(dòng)的自由,探求某種全新的移動(dòng)出行方式。

Suffice it to say, there are lots of exciting paths to changing the future of cars.

Kuruma no mirai wo kaete ikou.

*在日本,新型LAND CRUISER“250”系列,以及特別車型First Edition,預(yù)計(jì)將在2024年上半年開始發(fā)售,LAND CRUISER“70”將于2023年冬天開始發(fā)售。
